Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hakaar - Chronicle 28.3 - Bonfires

I followed the others to the go Brach Brewery. The door to the warehouse was slightly ajar and there was crashing and cursing coming from within. Bromm looked quizzically at the door. He leaned against the opening, straining to hear what was going on as we hung back. He pulled his pepperbox from its holster and pushed through the door.

There was a yelp, but no gunshots. We moved in quickly behind him to see what had happened.

"This batch went sour. These barrels are useless. We've tested this whole batch, now. Every one of them is bad. We've been breaking the barrels down so we don't use them again." Erland sighed at the loss and the look of disappointment on Bromm's face.

"I guess we'll have to take you out back and shoot ya." Bromm said, his expression deadpan.

"Sir?" Erland said, a slight tremor in his voice.

Bromm waited a moment and smiled.

"You can't do that, sir. I still don't really know where we stand." Erland said, a bead of sweat slipping down his forehead.

"Ah, you're a hard worker. You've done very well with managing this place. You deserve a raise, but you'll have to talk to Sig about that." Bromm said poking through the broken barrels.

"Sir?" Erland's tone was the same question as it was before, only this time, there was no trepidation.

"I was serious that time." Bromm followed on.

Erland smiled and nodded appreciatively.

"To the bad news. This batch means we are set back by weeks. Our current supplies should run well enough, but we'll be reduced for a time while we get the next batch underway." Erland nodded.

"There… won't be shipments to Kellas House." I said with a grimace.

"Aye, that. I heard there's been trouble. I've been keeping my head down on this so I haven't really heard much in the way of news." Erland nodded at my expression, "It does mean our situation may not be all that dire, but we will still be receiving less from our wares."

"We need to put aside an even ten barrels for the regatta race. We're donating them." Bromm said with a nod.

"Well, yes, that can be done." Erland grimaced, "Things will be tight, but sometimes scarcity increases demand, yes?"

Bromm nodded, he seemed less interested in the flow of supplies at this point.

"You've been working on another recipe, haven't you?" Sig said. "We've been interested in putting a stout out."

"Yes! The stout! I think we have a good recipe in place. Our first batch is a small testing batch, but we have some in the tasting area. Follow me." He flagged us on toward the front of the business area away from the warehouse and the towering containers where most of the brewing was done.

I hadn't seen the entirety of the go Brach Brewery and, it appeared, that I wasn't the only one. Floki was eyeing the shadows of the corners of the warehouse as we moved through.

He brought us to the front counter and tapped the small keg and pulled out a round of wooden mugs. The liquid came out a rich dark brown and a frothy head rose quickly on each pour. I sipped around the head, nodding as I savored the taste. It was considerably better than the stout I had been sampling at The Sea Witch.

"We'll take a few of these sample barrels to my da's place and another couple for a booth at the regatta."

"How much you going to charge?" Erland put pen to paper.

"Oh, this is premium. I expect two silver per mug." Bromm shrugged, "We have limited quantities anyway, might as well make the most of it."

"Do you have a name for it?"

"Giant's Head Stout." Danin spoke up from behind.

Sig raised an eyebrow and Bromm nodded.

"Giant's Head it is." Erland wrote it down.

"If you could stencil a brand for the barrels?" Bromm said, "Giant's severed head and a hand holding it by the hair. Burn those on the barrels before you deliver them. We want some brand recognition out there."

Erland pursed his lips and scratched away at his pad for a moment.

"How's this?" He said, holding up the parchment he'd scribbled on.

While quick, it was a well done sketch. Bromm nodded appreciatively.

"That will do!" He clapped a hand to Erland's back. "Get the men to deliver those barrels as soon as possible and we'll call it a day's work! Go out and enjoy the festival!"

The headiness of the stout and the wine before that made me feel like I was floating gently across the stones as we moved back toward The Sea Witch.

Another stop at the wine cart brought me to a new level of bliss. While I didn't appreciate fine wines like some, it seemed to have a much more profound effect on me than other beverages. Silah was also enjoying herself, floating in the eddies of what I was feeling. She would often look up at me with a blissful expression and smile warmly while enjoying the early evening air.

There was to be a bonfire out near the Monument to the Lost Mariner out under the lighthouse. The Sea Witch was bustling in anticipation of the event. We had settled into the only remaining available table that was closer to the second bar. Within a moment rounds were being poured and a light meal was on its way. Rana had returned to meet Danin and moved to a table away from us. She seemed to have forgotten her discomfort with the dress and laughed easily by Danin's side.

New faces emerged through the door and I was bewildered by the sight of Nida backed by two other girls with two uncomfortable looking boys who were eyeing the crowd with uncertainty. She was wearing a striking, but modest, dress.

Sig immediately stood and moved to her through the bustle of activity. We pushed the limits of the large round table with the new members. I had seen the girls that backed Nida before. The obvious gap was that Stella was not there to stand by her friend.

Nida was starry eyed and Sig was the softest I'd seen him. He held her hand and the talked close as the gazed at each other. I grinned to myself and looked at the other faces at the table.

Such good friends to have. I thought.

I felt Silah's hand squeeze from along the inside of my forearm in response.

Torches began streaming by the tavern's windows and a call went out with a cheer as the bonfire event began to take shape. The barrel of wine had trundled by, hauled by the hands of many men in the stead of horses.

The two boys that had followed Nida would not leave her side and she was clearly annoyed by it. However much she tried to shoo them away, there was a look of panic and fear that took hold making them more resolute.

Bromm saw his father walk in, shaking his head at the mess that had been left behind.

"Hey da'? these boys come from Rusty Pete, our business partner in Dowry." He nodded toward the boys hovering over Nida. "I was hoping you could, ya know, show them around and give them some insight into the business?"

The boys looked anxiously at each other as Hagan gave Bromm a disgruntled look. He looked at the boys, who seemed to get more anxious with his attention. Their reaction elicited a sort of hardened mischievousness that settled over the man.

"Let me show you boys how business is done." He moved in close and put an arm around each one's neck and began to walk them toward the back where the stairs to his office were.

I felt a twinge of fear for them, but just a twinge.

We moved out into the night amidst the fleets of torches. The procession moved along the edge of the harbor passing the auction house and the last of the outlying piers. The bonfire was set near the monument closer to the wall of the bluff. The moon was illuminating the lighthouse while the beacon spun soundlessly in the night.

Silah began to mingle, enjoying the bluster and energy of the gathering crowds. She would eavesdrop and then join in conversations as she saw fit. I couldn't help but smile as her old sparkling self emerged.

Just a month ago, Silah and I had spent days reading the Book of Planes at this very spot. We had explored much of Hlofreden in that time, but we often ended up here, bringing a basket of food, studying, and looking out at the sea. And, at this moment, I could almost convince myself that nothing had changed.

There were whoops and shouts as torches were thrown at the bonfire. Music began to play as the fire took hold. Faolin and others had brought instruments and began to cobble together some music between them.

Sig was looking up at the lighthouse, looking thoughtfully at the dark shape in the moonlight. Nida was close, holding his hand while bobbing gently with the music.

"Remember my pop-pop said that something was going on up there." He looked to me, "We need to look into that place."

I nodded, but shook the concern away.

There will be time to address it. Just … not now. I thought.

Coming in from town, there were a series of weary faces followed by the brightly colored Robyn. Bromm moved apart from the crowd and walked her way. The men had doffed their uniforms and were finding their ways to the various beverages being served around the bonfire. Robyn walked confidently to the edge of the crowd. She smiled wickedly when she saw Bromm and moved to meet him.

Tagaern had shown up, too. Looking like he had found the right fit for his clothes, looking both regal and rugged. He eyed the crowd for a time before he saw us.

"Gentlemen! Why are you all standing around? There's dancing to be done!" He looked out at the crowd and seemed to hesitate. "Selections a bit sparse compared to Dowry. Either too young, too homely, or too taken."

"Everything softens with a bit of wine." I said, straining my voice over the rising roar.

"There is that!" He shouted, nodding and smiling as he wend his way toward the large barrel.

Bromm and Robyn strode into the chaos with an incredibly formal dance. I looked on, bewildered, as they moved impeccably through the crowd maintaining their majestic visage. The thrashing, dancing tumult around them seemed to pause and take notice. Some of the more inebriated of the others began to follow along with much less formality and grace.

Nida took Sig by the hands, pulling him forward with a gleam in her dark brown eyes. They were followed shortly by Danin and Rana.

Silah had moved quickly back to my side and looked on expectantly.

"Let's do that!" She pointed at the others excitedly and rushed forward.

I grinned at her and offered my hand.

"This is entirely up to you." I said with a chuckle, "I'll follow your lead."

"Just follow them. It's not that complicated." Her voice was tinged with impatience as she pulled me along.

People bowed and gestured as if they were nobles, impersonating them with their faces screwed up as an imitation of being proper. Slowly, the formality of the dance began to fade as the music changed and more logs were added to the waning fire.

I looked up at the lighthouse again, watching as the beacon swung around the night sky. I swore I could see a dark shape lingering on the narrow balcony surrounding the light, looking down on us.

Silah's exuberance dragged me long into the night. While preparing to leave, I saw Danin and Rana, among others, still going strong.  I had thought better of disappointing Beidrick by showing up late.

We moved into the apartment, and I removed my formal clothes and tossed them over the chair. Silah moved to me with a wry smile. Her eyes shown her hungered desire as she rested a hand on my chest. She blinked coyly as the warmth from her touch seemed to press into me.

"How about we do this differently tonight." She said quietly.

The hackles rose on the back of my neck as she spoke. She pulled at my small clothes, sending them to the ground.

"Oh, I think you'll be just fine. You're not always up for new experiences, but I think you won't mind so much this time." As she spoke, the room began to darken around me.

"Come with me." Her voice filled my mind and I was lulled over to the bed as she removed her dress, revealing her naked form while the world was slowly consumed by darkness.

I opened my eyes to a familiar place. We lay in a luxurious bed under the wooden canopy of the circular stone structure. The sky beyond was filled with lights that looked quite unlike the skies I was familiar with. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but they refused to do so.

Silah appeared as flesh and blood, in her true form with her wider features and horns, yet her golden yellow eyes still seemed to glow in the near darkness. She straddled me, moving gently with a slow rhythm as her face was bent close to mine.

"This place, my love—my beast. Here we can truly share each other." She leaned in close, her horns brushing gently against my head, whispering my ear as my heart began to thump soundly with impassioned ecstasy.

(Get to know Akeron.)

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