Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hakaar - Chronicle 19.4 - Preludes

Duncan and I were sparring outside the front gate. He had alluded to, yesterday, that he was interested in breaking me of the habit of pulling attacks on smaller opponents. In order to test thing, he would strike moments of feigned weakness where he would send a rattling blow against my armor when I held back.

I clenched my teeth with each blow he landed on me for my unwillingness to follow through. Finally, I started seeing my weakness, striking readily when he left an opening. With Silah as my blade, every attack was more efficient and deadly, yet Duncan's skill far exceeded mine. I felt myself slowly let go, weighing each strike. Judging his feints, watching his core, and flowing with his movements.

In the rare moments where he was caught off guard, I would shout at him while landing a blow. Of those times, I could see him genuinely cowed, while I was beating his blade back aggressively.

During the most aggressive part of the session, I saw the noon guard patrol approaching the front wall. Floki was among the group. I didn't linger on it for too long as Duncan was pressing the attack. With a grunt and a roar, I challenged his blows, sweeping, using the weight of the blade to maintain momentum, but urging it to glide in different arcs. I grinned, feeling the aggression flow through me with each swipe.

"Hold!" He shouted, maintaining a defensive stance. I felt a maddened calm come over me. I stood defensively as well, making sure that this wasn't a feint. He backed away two steps, also holding a defensive posture.

"I lost you for a moment." He looked warily at me. I stood, soaked in sweat and traces of blood, my chest heaving with a violent grin still on my face. "You can stop when I ask you to the first time, and wipe that maniac grin from your face, you're scaring the children."

I dropped an eyebrow and looked at him questioningly, my grin fading.

"I shouted at you at least three times to hold." He smirked. "I guess we broke through you holding back?"

I shrugged, feeling my muscles rippling from the dance with the blade.

"I haven't felt you like that before." Silah whispered, "I love this side of you."

"Be careful your friends don't get caught up in that madness, Hakaar." Duncan warned, unnecessarily, "If you let yourself go, you might not want to be near them."

"You hear that, boy? This one is dangerous." He nodded toward Floki, who had settled in to watch the final moments, "Just keep him alive for me. He's someone I'd like to keep him around."

"I intend to if he doesn't do anything too rash." Floki looking over the array of gouges and bruises from training with dangerous weapons. "Maybe you could do the same?"

Duncan gave a hearty laugh.

"Your use of intimidation is getting much better." Duncan turned back to me, now feeling comfortable enough to sheathe his sword. "You are a frightening opponent. Remember that. Be sure to harness that bloodlust whenever you can."

I stood, my Greatsword held low, catching my breath. I was still listening to the blood charging through my veins and didn't even have the presence of mind to nod.

"Let's get inside, shall we?" Duncan motioned for everyone to come through.

The amount of laborers had diminished significantly, but there was a trickle that had come with Floki. They had already been sorted through the scribe. We were waved through without having to take Floki's name down. The scribe looked perturbed at Duncan and set to scratching something down.

"I was planning on pushing straight through," Floki announced to Duncan, "Is the other guard about to head out?"

Duncan nodded.

"They'll be leaving after their meal. They got here a little earlier than usual. The roads have been quiet. I can only imagine it is from the amount of traffic as there has been."

Duncan pushed through to the dining area.

"Are you planning on eating?" Duncan asked.

"No, but I'll take one of your Shatterhammer ales?" Floki spread a wide grin.

He had said it loud enough for the whole dining room to hear. I rubbed my forehead and grimaced. It pained me. Duncan's brow furrowed, looking at little annoyed.

"What else do you think people have been drinking? My stock delivered two days ago is getting thin from your friend's call for labor. I'll get one tapped for ya." Duncan moved to the back and called out.

Amalia was moving through the dining room more often, now. The outside crowds had diminished with the flow of human traffic. Now, at midday, the doors were open, allowing a breeze to press through the muggy dining area. She seemed more at peace than she was yesterday.

When there was a moment of quiet, she moved over to me.

"I'm sorry about the business with your woman. I had been avoiding those men all day, knowing that I couldn't talk sense into them." Amalia said, sheepishly.

"Unavoidable, I think. I'm glad it was her and not you."

"Why?" She seemed taken back.

"Let's just say that Silah can handle herself. I don't fear for her getting hurt." I attempted a comforting smile at the girl.

She stayed silent, not sure what to say.

"You've got a good grip on the goings on here. I'd ask a favor, as one of Duncan's charges to another. If he ever gets over his head with anything... anything, you send me a message, by whatever means. I have an inkling you'll know if things are dire long before he does." I said, knowingly, then gave her a wink.

A shy simper crossed her lips, and she nodded.

"I'll see you on your the next time through. Stay safe." She gave a slight curtsy and left quickly, looking a little flush.

I smiled to myself, surprised at how smoothly that went. I just now recognizing that flushed look on Amalia's face. I had done that quite a bit of that myself under Silah's gaze.

I looked over at Floki. He was entertaining or being entertained by Duncan. I reached over my shoulder and grasped the hilt of Silah. I twisted her sheath so I'd have contact with her on the next leg of our journey.

"My, aren't you the expert now?" Silah's voice rolled over me with thick with sarcasm honey coated with just enough humor. "Getting that girl all riled up."

Everyone likes to be appreciated for their talents.

"I'll keep that in mind." She threatened.

Her visage traipsed into my mind, eyes glowing dangerously. She walked around me, the tap of her hard soled boots echoing into the darkness.

Hey now, I don't see you holding back from flirting. And you have the unfair advantage of knowing exactly what irks me.

"Yup!" She said, brightly.

I rolled my eyes.

We'll be heading out soon.

"Oh, I heard. I'm well aware."

Do you want to say any goodbyes?

"No, I'm sure you can do that for me." She smiled, her visage moving in close and giving me a peck on the cheek. "You can tell Duncan that was from me."

I sighed, and glared at her from inside my mind.

"Huh, I haven't seen you do that before? Apparently, you're learning how this all works. I'll have to step it up a bit." She sparkled with a winsome smile.

I followed as Floki pushed away and made their way out. I stopped and reached out to shake Duncan's hand. He waved it off and moved around the counter and I bent down to give him a hug.

I looked down and grinned at him.

"Too much time posturing, you know?" He said, stretching a bit from the back popping squeeze. "I spent nearly a lifetime keeping everyone at arms length, it didn't make me happy. This makes me happy."

"I appreciate it more than you know. You and your time." I said with an awkward smile.

"You are welcome. It was a pleasure as always." He looked at the blade and how it was twisted with the cross piece touching the side of my neck. "Ah, clever. Wish her well for me."

"Oh, she knows, and she says goodbye. In her own special way." I smirked at the thought, "You keep in touch. If anything comes up, I will come as quickly as I can."

He nodded, smiling wide as I departed.

The overland trip with the guard was well attended, even if considerably reduced from the previous tips. I caught up with Floki and walked beside him.

"Any trouble on the way out here?" I asked.

"Not a peep. Crowds are too big to be predictable. At least, that's how I'd see it." He motioned out toward the sea, "Skies are going to be fair and clear for the next while, I don't expect any Orcs to approach outside of night time and we'll be well off the road before then."

We neared Hlofreden as the skies reddened. There were lines of men camping along the road coming into town. I shuddered at the thought. I caught Floki shaking his head, thinking along the same lines. While the Orcs kept a good distance from the city, they ranged freely in this area. This activity was likely to get their attention very soon. The guard presence can only be so strong for so long. I stopped at the guard house with the question.

"Not much we can do about it. The inns are all booked up, all two of them." He said in a gravelly tone, "Those who have already spoken with the city officials about their jobs are now just waiting. We've had to put more than a few in irons already."

I scowled at the news. Remembering what the guard on the way to Kellas House say: "It'll probably keep the guttersnipes out of Dowry." The last thing I wanted was for Hlofreden to become another Dowry, I clenched my teeth at the thought.

"Do what you can to keep the peace out there. I fear it won't last." He said, solemnly. "We've even had some new guard postings because of all this. If you know anyone we can trust, send them our way."

I nodded at him, and moved on, leaving him to finish his evening meal.

It had been an aggressive travel day, and coupled with training, I grew more exhausted as I saw rest in sight. Well, not exactly in sight yet. I wasn't sure where we were going to end up tonight.

"I'm going to head back to my shack, see if Rana is around and call it a night." Floki yawned while talking. "Meet up at The Sea Witch tomorrow morning?"

"Sure." I nodded. "I'm not sure where I'm going to be staying yet. I doubt my usual place is available."

"You could always crash in the Witch's public room? They move all the tables at night."

I shuddered at the thought of squirming among the sweaty masses trying to fall asleep.

Silah laughed in my head.

"I thought you'd be used to that kind of situation already." She echoed with a smile in her voice.

Getting used to it is different than enjoying it. And, more importantly, I don't plan on trying to get used to it again.

"It was just a suggestion. You don't have to sleep anywhere." Floki said, reading my soured expression.

"Thanks. I'll look around. Be safe." I watched him fade into the crowd.

The streets were packed with men milling about, looking lost. It was likely their collective first visit to Hlofreden, perhaps they'd be on their way soon enough with the boredom. Or perhaps the fact that they had no where to go would keep them all penned in here. The surprising lack of entertainment would likely make for some lively nights on the streets in the very near future. I shook my head at the thought.

I moved through town, heading toward The Sea Witch. Thinking desperately about alternatives to sleeping on the floor with a bunch of strangers.

Would you like to join me? Can you bear wearing a torn dress for the rest of the night? We'll go up to Mont Brooks first thing in the morning.

Silah was silent for a moment, I could feel her stirring, weighing the thought.

It'll give you a good story to tell the others when we run into them?

"That's a very good point. Why not?" Her voice echoed brightly.

I tucked into an alleyway and drew the Greatsword. There were a few startled gasps as I saw some men had taken shelter between the buildings.

Is there no place without eyes in this town anymore?

I put the sword in my upturned arms and continued to walk through the alley, watching the corners until I knew no one could see us, and I thought of Silah in her human form, she formed in my arms, lazing back as I carried her. She leaned her head against my chest as I walked.

"That was a different approach. I like it." She said, wistfully, nestling close.

I felt warmth spread over me and I smiled readily at her affection.

I continued to move through the alleys butting up against the bluff until the building built close to the bluff forced me back onto the main street. The subtlety I had preferred when being with Silah had all but evaporated.

I neared The Sea Witch, wondering if I should be expecting anyone waiting for us in there. I put her down gently on her feet, clearly seeing the bustle inside was uncomfortably close. I moved through the open door, holding it behind me for Silah to slip through. Two other men were on their way out in the process, jostling me around with their exit.

I shook my head, grumbling, and Silah suppressed a chuckle. The mass of bodies made me want to protect myself. Yes, being a head taller than anyone and everyone brought about a sense of superiority, but you also felt more exposed. Everyone had easy access to your vitals and you could do little to protect yourself.

I saw Bromm talking with Sig and I moved toward them Danin sitting quietly beside them. Bromm's eyes looked extremely tired, but he also, strangely, seemed fresh.

Macaulay looked downright flummoxed, the expression had likely frozen there for as long as he held it. Sabella and Faolan were were doing their best to placate the crowd, but you could see it wearing thin on them as well. And, oddly, Robyn was no where to be seen.

Sig nodded his acknowledgement and Bromm raised a mug, also giving a slight nod.

"This better not be a usual thing, Bromm. I had just gotten used to this place being far too quiet. You two have gone it mucked it all up with all … this." I threw a disappointed look across the crowd.

"Ah, all this will clear up in no time. I'm sure Sig has this well in hand." He said, confidently, he looked to Sig who shrugged.

"I'm going to find a place to sleep. I don't think I'll be able to keep myself in check with how tired I am." I said, feeling my eyes glazing over.

Bromm smiled.

"Go. Enjoy your beauty sleep. We might not be around, though. I'm spending some time with Robyn. She's planning on killing me, I'm sure. I think we're training, then she almost shoots me." As he said it, he reached up and rubbed non-existent wounds. "If it wasn't for her giving me some healing daught, I probably wouldn't be here."

I nodded at Bromm, thinking back at my engagement with Duncan.

"I'm staying with my Pop-pop doing the same. I wish you luck finding a place to sleep. I forget you don't live here." Sig nodded towards me and raised a glass looking like he had a few more of those than usual, "Cheers!"

I frowned and shrugged. Macaulay looked at me, there was a desperation in his eyes as well as a question. I waved him off and saw his eyes ease a little as he moved on expectantly to another. I made my way to the door, Silah following closely in my wake.

I sighed as we exited.

"Not much help there." I said aloud to Silah.

I moved toward the alleyway heading behind The Sea Witch.

"Oh no, we're not sleeping back there." She shook her head quickly.

"No, not that. I'm going to get cleaned up. I need your help keeping a lookout, though."

A sly grin slid across her face.

I knocked on the privvy door, there was no answer or sound coming from inside. I stripped to my waist and pulled some clean clothes from my rucksack. She was at the corner of the building, watching down the delivery entrance. I beckoned her close, standing in front of the rear door of The Sea Witch.

"Do you think you could hold this door closed for the next couple of minutes?" I grinned at her.

"Oh, that's just cruel." She smirked then added, "My only condition: I get to watch."

I shrugged absently, feeling unable to muster the ability to care. I stripped the rest of the way, my back to her. I pulled up a bucket from the well and poured the very cold water over my head, rinsing the sweat from the day off. I quickly scrubbed down with the rough cake of soap.

There was a click at the door and I spun toward it. She was braced there, nodding at me reassuringly, then looking me over with a scandalous grin. There were drunken curses erupting from behind the door.

I hauled up a second bucket and rinsed off again, I shook myself off then hurriedly put a clean undershirt on. The curses were escalating as she stepped back and let go. The door sprung open and it sounded like whoever was back there had fallen down with the sudden release.

Silah daintily skipped past the door and we both tucked around the corner of the delivery alleyway, snickering at their misfortune. I was crouched at the corner in only a long undershirt with Silah behind me. We looked into the darkness at the man fumbling eagerly at both his pants and the privvy door.

I turned back with a wide grin on my face and met Silah's warm gaze. She pressed into me, kissing me passionately. I let the armor I had been carrying drop to the floor and curled my arms around her as straddled me. Her hands worked expertly, pulling my undershirt off of me with a fluid motion. My heart was caught in my throat by this sudden outpouring, but I felt no need for restraint. I felt no hesitation.

I lifted her while her iron grip kept her close, I turned and pressed her up against the wall of The Sea Witch. Running my hand up her leg feeling the rippling muscle just below the soft surface, pulling her dress up. She gasped, grappling at my shoulders. I kissed her neck as I pressed into her, feeling like the whole world had fallen away. The sea air, wrapping around us with the union. Heat rose between us to a impassioned crescendo.

My body vibrated, as we remained in the locked in our embrace. My chest heaved with the effort. I pulled my head back, and admired her face. Her honey-brown eyes sparkled in the moonlit darkness. She gazed warmly into my eyes, then kissed me softly. Her grip with both her legs and arms softened, relaxing slightly. I turned, putting my back to wall, and, while keeping her in place, I slid to a sitting position on the ground.

I traced my fingers down her back and she curled forward up to me, laying on my chest.

I heard stumbling footsteps moving toward the corner of the building. I looked up and saw a wide eyed man looking at the two of us—or, by his unfocused look, the four of us—unsure of what he had both seen and heard. I leveled a predatory glare at him and growled. His eyes went even wider and stumbled away.

I could both feel and sense Silah chuckling at the exchange. I grinned at her infectious mirth. We were still, for a moment. I felt the reflection of our passions, like a pair of mirrors facing each other, echoing forever. I was enraptured by this seemingly boundless connection.

A moment passed, then she stood, straightening her dress. I felt exposed, but, for the first time I could remember, I didn't care. I took my time, slowly dressing in the clear night. She moved in, helping me buckle my breastplate into place, touching my neck and running her hand down my back. I pulled on my boots and gathered my rucksack from the ground. I took a deep breath, taking her hand and pulling her close, feeling the cool salty air wrap around us again. We moved down the wide alley out toward the street, arm in arm.

(Get to know Akeron)

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